I haven’t written this blog for a while as I mostly do cycle campaigning these days. But I was moved to write about Scottish nationalism, since it had gone from the constant murmur to a loud scream after the General Election.
That made me look at the sites mentioned in the post below along with the comments. The same kind of people who would have called for a proper socialist state established by revolution are now calling for an independent state after a UDI. There is the same sense of entitlement, the same resentment of the monstrous injustice that they are being denied what is their right by the majority who didn’t vote for it, the same longing for actual physical confrontation to prove their point of the totally oppressive nature of the British state, the same list of examples to follow but instead of Nicaragua, Cuba or Venezuela it’s Catalonia, Slovenia, Slovakia, the Balkan states generally and the Baltic states. And the same declarations to campaign and campaign for ever. And to work out constitutions. And do a lot of other pointless political work for a fantasy nation state.
Mike Small at Bella Caledonia does squash some of these mismatched exemplars and he himself is involved in a bread and butter campaign Citizen, to prevent Edinburgh being bought and sold for commercial and tourist gold, which I could get behind.
But how wearisome the combination of the Bannockburn Re-Enactment Society and Sim City are. And what a waste of political time and energy, not to mention money as there’s always crowd-funding for yet another poll, or court case, or to drop into buckets at All Under One Banner marches to be pocketed by a grifter.