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06 June 2009


Andrew Coates

Thanks Rosie for getting me thinking happy thoughts again.

I adore Lovage.

Though my favourite at the moment is Red Basil!


I've tried various fancy basils but they never seem to do well and I always fall back on the Genovese - though that's been sulky as well and has mostly refused to germinate and I've had to sow more seeds. It has to grow inside - it's too cold here to grow it outside.

My vision for the patch I call a herb garden is for neat squares of different kinds of herbs, but some like oreganum and chervil run rampant and others like parsley stay aloof.

Florist Italy

Just wondering, if i can use this information for my research paper's project. However, i admire the way you present your words ... Thank u anywys.

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  • Rosie Bell

    Some song writing, some verse writing and too much blogging about culture, politics, cycling and gardening.

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