According to Gender Analyzer this website is written by a man (70%). So artificial intelligence has decided – which says something about artificial intelligence v. simple common sense.
I often have the same experience with call centres. I have a deep voice and I’m used to call centre workers addressing me as “Sir” while they discuss my bank account, energy bills or why my internet isn’t working properly. After a while they’ll ask my name, I’ll say “Rosie”, and they’ll still call me “Sir”. Not in the script, I suppose, or the training didn’t cover it. I can accept it from people in India, but from people in Dublin or Dundee?
I think, though, women are less upset at being mistaken for blokes in certain circumstances (eg arguing on blogs), than men are at being mistaken as women.
Hat tip – the Fat Man (who really is a woman, according to artificial intelligence, his nom de blog and the photo on his site being pathetic disguises). He demonstrates the abject science and statistics worship of our times by internalising his own gender doubts rather than questioning the methodology and data of the Gender Analyzer.